
I began dancing at the age of 13 and have been a student of movement and anatomy ever since. Studying first in the school of classical ballet and theater and eventually graduating with a BFA in Modern dance from Montclair State University.

I began practicing yoga 15 years ago to explore an alternative and supportive practice to the physical challenges of my professional dance career. I have been teaching for the past 8 years in the NYC area and am a certified 500 RYT by completing my 300hr training with Amy Ippoliti at Vesselify and my 200hr with Julie Dohrman at ShaktiyogaNY .

My belief is that through a connection to ourselves, our communities, and the environment with our yoga practice, we are able to live our lives to the fullest potential.

My training includes:

300hr Teacher Training with Amy Ippoliti at Vesselify

Advanced Teacher Training: Teaching to Tight and Injured Bodies with Amy Ippoliti at 90 Monkeys

Meditation Journey Series with Julie Dohrman at Bend and Bloom Yoga

200 hour Yoga Teaching training with Julie Dohrman at Bend and Bloom Yoga

BFA Dance - Montclair State University

CPR/First Aid Certified with the American Heart Association